Rachel’s favorite book in the Bible is Esther. This is a result of hours and hours of Veggie Tales. Today, as RachelsPinkHouse goes to college, I am reminded of a few of the words from Esther- she was made for “such a time as this.” Esther 1:4.
It really seems impossible that it was almost 20 years ago that we learned through a prenatal diagnosis that she would have Down syndrome. On that day and the following months, I could not have imagined that on this day almost 20 years later, she would be going to college. In those moments, I could not have imagined that I would be excited that my daughter would be going to college even if it was not to the University of Arkansas to become a Hog. Over the next few days, she will move into a dorm. She will start new classes. She will figure out how to navigate college life complete with successes, challenges, and the bumps that others experience.
We’ve all had a wide range of emotions this week and we’ve assured Rachel it is natural and totally normal to feel sad, happy, excited, and to shed tears. Our neighbor brought her boys by this morning to send her on her journey. She always has the most thoughtful gifts like pre-addressed and stamped notecards! She also reminded her of these epic words from Winnie the Pooh, “”How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

We’ve all had many messages of good wishes and prayers this week, and we appreciate all of those today and in the days and months to come. This morning a friend who we met through Christian Youth Theatre sent me a message that made me a little teary. She said:
“Our family has been talking about how exciting this is and prying for you all so much. HUGE step for Rachel and momma and dad. We know it will be so wonderful for her, but we also know a big part of your heart is going, too. We love you guys and are cheering you on. She’s so blessed to have you guys as parents two have fiercely fought for her to have the life she deserves and now you can say WE DID IT! So proud of all of you. We love our daily Instagram Rachel sightings.”
Rachel’s story and our own story continues to be written. There will be laughter and tears in the days to come. But we know the plans God has for Rachel are to “prosper her and not to harm her, to give her a hope and a uture.” ~Jeremiah 29:11. We know that with the love and support of the many friends and cheerleaders of Rachel, faith in God’s promise of a hope and a future, she has truly been made for such a time as this. Let’s do this Rachel Bear!
PS: We did tell her that she will always be a Hog.
PSS: We are considering launching a Rachel’s Pink House Vlog in the summer. Would love to hear your thoughts on that.