Last year I wrapped up 2014 with my top five most read blogs for the year. In case you are bored and do not love college football as I do, this year I’m posting my top 10!
- Will Your Child Come Home from the Movies? My thoughts about the tragic death of Ethan Saylor.
- A Few Tips for Successful IEP Meetings. Just some of my thoughts and tips on what has been effective in Rachel’s IEP meetings.
- Dear Teacher – My most read blog ever. This is a reprint that I run every year. I get lots of requests for this blog/letter!
- Some days I am “Tired of Being That Parent” and someday I will share the back story that precipitated this blog. Some of my self-imposed “respect for Rachel” rules prevent that at this point in time.
- This young man, his family and his significant other continue to impress us. We hope he makes it big in the majors cause he is definitely “One of the Good Guys #BobbyBandwagon!”
- I love college football but the saddest thing that happened this particular fall weekend was not my beloved Hogs losing a football game. “Those” Kids tells you what was.
- Church should be a safe place for families. We have found a good fit for our family and for Rachel.
Many, many families of children with special needs feel alone and rejected by the church. The church also struggles with knowing how to meet the needs of a variety of audiences. Just a few of my ideas in “Two Suggestions for Church Inclusion.”
- Two Pieces of the Accommodations-Modifications Maze outlines some of what we’ve learned works and doesn’t for Rachel.
- Rachel doesn’t have a sibling. If she did, I hope
they would be sharing the message that our dear friend Olivia Halvorson shared in her “Don’t Compromise” Valedictory Speech.
- I’m glad this one edged in at number 10. Maybe it’s the reason I wanted to do 10 instead of five. It helps keep my baby brother’s memory alive. Happy 50th Birthday Baby Brother.
Thanks for reading and I’m looking forward to seeing what 2016 brings. Baby Rachel will be 17 this year and will become a high school junior. I can tell you she’s already planning her departure and her college road trips so I’m thinking I’ll have plenty of blog materials!