Rachel finished her second semester of college as part of the Missouri State University Bear POWER program last week. I told her that everyone would want an update on her semester and asked her if we could write a blog about it. She said yes and we decided that a question and answer blog was in order. She also said she wanted to name it “Rachel’s Reflections: College Girl 2nd Semester.” We’ll call this an interview. Here you go.

What was the best thing about the 2nd semester? Having roommates that included me. I love my roommates. They are so nice to me and help me. We go to movies and do face masks and eat together. We had a Secret Santa. Making new friends was the best thing, too.
My roommates make gingerbread house. They help me do it. They are very nice.

What classes did you take? (She looks at me with a goofy look and says “Mom, you know my classes?) I had acting, hospitality leadership, academic advising, speech language clinic and an internship.
What was the best thing about your classes? Taking acting. I love my teacher. I make new friends. I loved the performing. I loved my partners. I love going to the plays.
I did really good in my class. The teacher sent this to me about my scene work.
Rachel, what a joy it’s been to have you in class this semester!! You have truly been a leader for the class and I cannot thank you enough for that. You are committed, you use your dance training in your scenes, you’re spontaneous, and you have such a great attitude. You’ve shown that when you go for it and take risks, it pays off. Well done, Rachel.
What was the hardest thing about your acting class? It was hard to pick monologues. My teacher help me. It was hard to be off script. It is hard for me to memorize everything.
What was the best thing about your hospitality class? I loved learning about special events and theme parks. They talk about Disney. Maybe I could work at Disney. They also talk about the Olive Garden. That made my heart happy. I am a hostess at the Olive Garden.
What was the hardest ting about hospitality class? I did not understand some things the teacher talk about. I needed more help finding out what she was talking about.
Where did you do your internship? I was in the service learning office. I work in the office. I went to the community garden.
What did you like or learn in the service learning office? I make new friends. They were nice. I learned about vegetables and flowers at the community garden.
Was there anything you didn’t like about the internship? I do not like to work outside. I do not want to work outside.
Do you think you learned anything that will help you with a job in the future? I do not think so.
What was the hardest thing about the semester in general? I get overwhelmed. It is hard for me to keep things organized. I do not like to ask for help. I want to do things myself. I am an adult and a college girl. I want to show my parents I am responsible.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about the semester? I love being a college girl. I love living in the dorm and having roommates. They are helping me be an independent woman. I love my church. I go to the Life.Church. I love going to The Vine. They have a formal. It was so much fun. My ambassadors are great. They are good friends to me. I get to go to ADPi parties. I hope I get to be an ADPi.

What class are you most excited about next semester? I am taking stage make-up. I think my friend will be in there with me. It will be fun.
Do you have an internship next semester? I am going to do my internship at Springfield Little Theatre next semester. I love the theatre. I am so excited.
Anything else? It makes my heart happy to be a college girl. I want to be an independent woman. I have Down syndrome, but I am not Down syndrome. I am Rachel.

Go Rachel! Good work.