We brought Rachel home from her first semester of college Tuesday. We are excited to head out to Southern California to speak at a conference in a few weeks and needed to update her “I Love My Life” presentation. We’ve re-titled it “I Really Love My Life” and added a section on her experiences at college. While capturing that information, I asked Rachel if we could make it into some reflections about her first semester. And I asked her permission to share. She said, “Of course. People love reading about me.” Clearly, self-esteem is not an issue. So here are Rachel’s Reflections.
I loved being a college student. I really love being in the first Bear POWER class at Missouri State University. I really liked my classes. Public speaking was my favorite class. It was hard to stay organized and understand the syllabus. My ambassadors really helped. I learned a lot about being independent. In one class we read this book called “Lab Girl.” It was hard to understand for me and my Ambassadors. There were lots of new things to learn with lots of steps. For example, we could print things in our dorm, but my computer wouldn’t always connect.

I have four ambassadors, Hannah, Grace, Faith and Chelsey. We have so much fun, and I love them so much. They help me with my classes. We go eat ice cream, and we work out. One of my favorite things was going to dance at their apartments. I will miss them this summer.

I like to stay up late and watch Netflix and YouTube and eat my snacks. I love popcorn and jalapeno cheese sticks and ice cold lemonade. Sometimes, I had dance parties. Almost every night, I would make a Sneak Peak Snap about my day. People love to watch them.
I was elected Student Senator for Student Government Association. I did a lot of social activities at the Plaster Student Union. We went bowling, movies, and themed parties. I won best dressed at the Oscar party. I went to lots of ball games and won lots of shirts. I loved going to The Vine. It is like church on campus. I also go to the Life.Church on Sundays. I did a service-learning project and worked at the Dream Center and Robberson Elementary teaching children to dance. I have fun.
I also have a friend named Ady. I loved hanging out with her and doing face masks. My friend Alexandria is from Olathe. We hang out sometimes too. I went to Greek Week with her. I made a lot of new friends.

One of the highlights for me was going to the ADPi formal with my Ambassador Grace and new friends. I hope I get to be a part of a sorority.

I cannot drive. Sometimes it was hard to find a ride especially on the weekend. Sometimes the rides I had worked out overslept or were out of town. Some weekends I was kind of lonely. I made some poor choices. I learned from those, though.
I love eating in the cafeteria and making friends. It was really hard to watch what I eat because you could eat whatever you wanted. The pasta and breadsticks and ice cream desserts are really good.
We lived in suites in Hutchens House. There were three girls in my suite all from the Bear POWER program. The other two girls had a room, and I had a room. I was disappointed because I wanted a roommate. I felt left out. We had some challenges, and I moved into a new room by myself the last part of the semester. I learned that you need to be careful who are friends with at college and on Snap Chat.
But I survived.
I don’t like to talk about that stuff. I am excited about next year.
This fall I am taking
- Acting (I AM SO EXCITED!)
- Introduction to Hospitality
I may get to intern at the Springfield Little Theatre.
I will live in Hutchens House again. I will have three new suitemates. One of them will be my roommate. I am happy to have a roommate. None of them are in the Bear POWER Program. I hang out with them a few times and had fun. We have a group text.
I think I did very well. My mom and dad are very proud of me. I am excited to be home and work at the Olive Garden and hang out with my friends. I love being in Bear POWER. I am excited to go back. Missouri State is like my second home. I love being a Bear.