A few weeks back I wrote a blog about my real feelings and thoughts about adult life. Almost 1,000 hits in two days. That’s a big number for me. I also had a plethora of Facebook comments, and many of you reached out to me directly to say thank you. To say, “we understand.” Like I said, that was how I was feeling on that day. Today is a new day.
Many of you wanted to know Rachel’s thoughts on adult life and her job. While I did clarify some of her answers to make them easier to understand, these are her thoughts and responses. With her permission, here we go.
What do you think about adult life?
Adult life is hard. I miss going to school and seeing my friends every day. I miss theatre and student council and being the volleyball manage and Ms. Fitz. I miss my group from church. Some of them are here, but some of them are not. Some go to different churches now. I miss First Act (CYT) and theatre class with Mr. Hastings. I really miss college. I liked being independent. I have a boyfriend. He is at my college. I miss him.
What do you like about being and adult?
I get to have a job and make money. I get to live my dreams. I get to be an independent woman. I am glad I do not have homework. I like classes I take at Inclusion Connections and watching Friends and talking to my boyfriend. I have a Bible study with friends.* It is so much fun. We worship God.
You just got a job at Hy-Vee. Can you tell readers about that?
I love my job. I like being with people and making people. I am friends with some of the cashiers. I like making money. I like being busy.
What is your job title and what do you do?
I am a Courtesy Clerk. People say I have a gift for comforting people. I help sack groceries, vacuum, bring in carts, and whatever the manager asks me to do. I smile. My manager says I have a great smile.
What is the hardest part?
The hardest thing about my job is taking out the trash. Some days it is hard to bring in carts. My job coach helps me learn to be safe. It was hard leaving Olive Garden. I worked there three years. I loved it. I miss it.
Why did you change jobs?
My parents want me to get more hours so I can live my dreams.
Do you think you would like to stay at Hy-Vee for a long time?
I do not know. I love it now, though. I might be an actress or work at a hotel. My parents say I can be an actress for fun. When I get married, I might want a different job.
What is your dream?
I want to get married and live in a pink house.
How will this job help you with that?
I can put money in my ABLE account. I learn to be more responsible. I learn to be an independent woman.
Besides your ABLE account, what do you do with your money?
I go to movies and buy popcorn and a drink. I get manicures and pedicures. I pay for some of my medicine. I go to lunch and dinner and get ice cream with friends. I buy snacks at work. I pay for my theatre and dance classes. I treat my mom and dad sometimes. I buy birthday cards and gifts.
What supports do you get at your job?
I have a job coach, Tasha. She is very pretty and so nice. She went to orientation with me. She helped me with paperwork. That is hard for me. My mom helps me with my schedule and benefits. That is hard for me. She helps me make sure I have a ride to and from work.
Do you have advice about adult life for others?
- Be yourself
- Treat others like you want to be treated
- Tell people your hopes and dreams so they know what you want
- “Be a self-advocate” (advocate for yourself and your dreams)
- Be strong and courageous because God is always with you
Anything else you want to share?
Looks good. I am happy. I like it (referring to this blog.)
*The girls named their Bible study group the “Delightful Dancing Divas.”