Last week, we took Rachel back to Missouri State University to start her second semester in the MSU Bear POWER program.
Rachel had a great summer. In many ways it was typical. She worked as a hostess at Olive Garden. She slept late and was not happy when her
nagging mother made her get up before noon. She hung out with friends. She was back at her church. In other ways, her summer was not very typical. She went to California with me and spoke at a conference about her life and advocacy. She also went to the National Down Syndrome Congress and was part of the Youth and Adult conference. She re-connected with some friends and made new friends.

One of the friends is the same age as Rachel and also in college. I think they are still texting or talking very night. While there, she assisted in presenting an ABLE workshop, grassroots advocacy workshop and taught about 150 people how to use social media videos to advocate with elected officials. She also lunched with the OSEP Director and received a Ruby’s Rainbow Scholarship. She was excited to go back to school.
For those who follow our journey, you may remember Rachel’s Reflections about her first semester. She was sad that she didn’t have a roommate. For her, that was one of the things she most looked forward to about college, so she was disappointed. Well, now she has a roommate and two other suite mates. She’s excited. She’s also through the moon because

she is taking an acting class. She has a hospitality class, reading and writing comprehension class and will be doing an internship. She is a student Senator with the Missouri State Student Government Association, and she’s hoping that in some way she can be a part of a sorority. She’s excited about getting back to her college church and campus faith groups. She has most of her same amazing Bear Ambassadors (mentors) again. She is very happy about that, and so are we!

Acting and roommates are definitely at the top of the hierarchy.
Every year when Rachel goes back to school, I write her a note. Some may call it a dissertation. With her permission, I’m sharing what I wrote this time.
Sweet Rachel-
Mom and dad are super proud of you. You are our brave, never meet-a-stranger, Jesus following girl. You do not let others low expectations or actions stop you from pursuing your dreams.
Today, you are headed back to Missouri State for your second semester.

You have three new suite mates and are finally getting that roommate you have longed for. You are so excited to take an acting class. You so love the stage. You are excited to maybe get to do some things with a sorority, get back to your church, your new friends, your independence, your nightly Snap Chat Sneak Peeks. You are really ready to get away from your nagging mom who has the nerve to think you should get up before noon, make your bed, wash clothes and clean the bathroom. Silly mom.
I also know you are a little nervous. You try to hard to be independent and brave. And you are brave. You are the bravest person I know. My prayer for you is that you will recognize when you need help and understand that it doesn’t make you less. It is my prayer that when you feel overwhelmed by all the new people, surroundings, demands, new routines, daily activities, reminders and noise, that God will put kind, understanding and resourceful people beside you. You have many, many people who love and support you there at Missouri State, but you have cheerleaders all over the world. That is a gift that not everyone experiences.
We love watching you live your dreams. We love seeing you hone those leadership and self-advocacy skills. We love that most of the time, you choose joy. We love that others see Jesus though you. We love that you are pursuing your Pink House Dreams.
Never forget, we will will always be here for your. We will always love you MOST! Pa Grape (Mordecai) told Essie (Esther), “Essie, you were created for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) I am just as sure, God created Rachel for such a time as this.
Love you most, Mom and Dad