Back in October, US Dept. of Education Office of Special Education & Rehabilitation Services (OSERS) asked the National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) if they could assist in finding a self-advocate to submit a blog for their Down Syndrome Awareness Month focus. NDSC reached out to Rachel. Writing is not one of Rachel’s strengths, but she is a good and effective presenter. She has done presentation in 12 states, and the name of her presentation is “I Love My Life.” She and I discussed her blog for OSERS and we decided to take her blog slides and turn them into paragraphs. She also said it should be “I REALLY Love My Life.” This is an encouraging, upbeat blast-off to 2019! Enjoy
I am Rachel Mast. I am 19 years old. I really love my life. I have a great life, and I love telling people how great my life is. I was born in Memphis. In third grade, my family moved to Olathe, Kansas. I love lots of things about my life. I love my church. I love my school. I love my family. I love dancing, acting, and singing. One of the best things about my life is my friends.
I graduated from Olathe South High School in May. Just like my friends, I got a diploma. I loved my school. I was on student council for four years. I was the volleyball manager for four years. In 9th grade, I was on the Winter Court. I was the Prom Princess. I was in National Honor Society and on the honor roll.

I took general education classes with my friends. My favorite classes were my theatre classes. Even though it was hard, I learned Shakespeare monologues. It is hard for me to memorize, but I worked very hard and did a great job. One of my best high school memories was being Strato in “Julius Caesar.” I am a member of the Thespian Troup. I have a brick at my school.
I liked all my classes, but I don’t like math very much. Math is hard for me. I really like English. My favorite book was “Romeo and Juliet.” I did not really like “Frankenstein” very much. I worked very hard in my classes, so I could make good grades and go to college. Theatre is my life. I have been in 22 plays. My favorite play I was in was “Hairspray” because I love to dance and sing.

I really liked my parenting class. We pretended we were going to have a baby. That was funny. I had to bring a baby home. I named her Sarah Nicole. She cried three times during dinner. I decided I do not want children.
My senior year, I worked in the attendance office and the counseling office. It was so much fun. I took passes to people and greeted people. They told me my smile made everyone happy. I just got a job at the Olive Garden. I am a hostess. It is kind of like what I did in the school office.
One of the best things in high school was scoring a touchdown at the Powder Puff football game. During homecoming weekend, the junior and senior girls always play a Powder Puff game. My friends helped me and when I got the ball, I scored a touchdown. It made me have happy tears.

I love my friends very much. My volleyball friends called me the #bestmanagerever. I gave them pep talks. My theatre friends helped me to know when to do things on stage. They helped me when I was on the crew for the “Addams Family.” I love them very much. My friends from church are the best. We go to church camp together. We went on mission trips. We had fun. I miss them very much. We still pray for each other.

I have the same dreams as my friends. I want to go to college. In January, I am going to Missouri State University. I will be in the first Bear POWER class. I am so excited to live in the dorm, take theatre classes, and make friends. Some of my friends go there.

I also go to Washington DC and to the Kansas State Capitol in Topeka to talk to people about laws that will help people with Down syndrome. I got to testify in Topeka. I helped to pass the ABLE Act. I opened the first Kansas ABLE Account. Senator Moran says I am “the best lobbyist in Washington DC.” When I started going to Washington DC, I told them they should support the ABLE Act, so I could live in a pink house. My dream is to move to New York City and be on Broadway, get married and live in a pink house.

Did I mention I have Down syndrome? I have Down syndrome, but I am not Down syndrome. I am Rachel. I have dreams. I REALLY love my life.
Taken from Rachel’s PowerPoint Presentation “I Love My Life.” Published OSERS (US Dept. of Education Office of Special Education & Rehabilitation Services Down Syndrome Awareness Month Blog Series) October 12, 2018