Rachel is all moved in at college. She appears to be living the dream. Exhibits one, two, and three from social media:

She has a great circle of support including four volunteer ambassadors (mentors.) They are awesome. More on that and program specifics in another blog.

I left her a note (you all know I love a good handwritten note) and some junior mints (her favorite) in a Wonder Woman bag in her room. With permission, I am posting what I said to her.

Last night, I actually had a 10 minute conversation with her. She’s been busy making friends, socializing, going to pep rallies, church, student ministry activities, figuring out her computer, technology, finding her classes, and meeting professors. My goal for yesterday was that I would not read her email. I made it. Some habits are very hard to break.
Last night when I talked to her, she said she loved the card I left her. “I love the verse from Queen Esther, mommy.” Then, she started singing, “When I fall in love it will be with Rachel.” I used to sing that to her when she was a little girl. Just words I made up and we would dance and I would sing it to her. So we sang it together and said good night.
Rachel is living her dream. And yes, Rachel, like Queen Esther, you were created fro such a time as this.