Today is Take the #PledgeToInclude Day. You may be more familiar with Take the Pledge to End the Use of the R-Word pledge .
Founded by two youth leaders in 2009 as Spread the Word to End the Word, the campaign focused its first 10 years on addressing a particularly powerful form of exclusion: the word ‘retard(ed)’. Millions signed on to the pledge
In 2019, Spread the Word to End the Word became Spread the Word, with a focus not just on the elimination of a word but on the creation of a new reality: inclusion for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
I thought I would share links to some of my favorite blogs about real, meaningful inclusion in Rachel’s life. I invite you to read one or more of them and freely share them in your circles. Then, I invite you to go to https://www.spreadtheword.global/pledge, take the pledge and tell the world what you are going to do to make the world more inclusive. Rachel, her friends, and really all of us are counting on you.
The Power of Inclusion: My Friend George

Three Stories of Learning and Inclusion

5 Reflections from Church Camp Inclusion

By the way, the boys she met in point number 4 in the blog, she goes to college with them now.
Volleyball. Inclusion. Awareness. Acceptance.

Shakespeare and that Inclusion Thing