Then, my deep thoughts ponder this: If I didn’t have Rachel, would I be any different than these people? Truly, the answer is t I don’t know. I never really used the R-word. My deep held beliefs preclude me from using racial slurs and this would be the same as a racial slur to me. But more than the use of the words, how would I treat people with intellectual disabilities if I didn’t have Rachel? Honestly, I knew little about people with intellectual disabilities before Rachel. However, isn’t that part of the point? God gives us all different travel plans for the journey. Part of those travel plans for any of us surely includes making a difference in the world. For now, my travel plans include advocating for those with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. My travel plans are to be educated and to educate others on the many dilemmas facing those with intellectual disabilities. My travel plans include working to help Rachel be able to lead a fulfilling life, and that the work toward that goal will help a ton of other people along the way. My travel itinerary says I need to work to help groups who are working to create an inclusive community accomplish those goals. My ultimate travel plans include working with whoever, wherever, whenever to see that those with intellectual disabilities are valued and respected. When the package of Rachel arrived, those became my travel plans. I hope some of your travel plans cross our route along the journey.
I believe this is the best blogg every! Thank you so much for doing this. You might just be changing the world one blogg at a time.
Love ya,
—- sassysoutherngal’s posterous <post> wrote: >