From our home to yours Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2020 has surely been one to remember. Rachel celebrated her 21st with an outdoor, socially distanced dance party. Because of COVID (she calls it that silly virus), she stayed home from college and is doing a Project SEARCH internship this year. She does three internships rotations. Her first was at the local hospital. The program’s home base is the Embassy Suites, and she is hoping to have her next rotation there. She”ll find out after winter break.
After the COVID shut down, she has been able to return to her hostess with the mostess job at the Olive Garden. Usually, she works one weekend shift. We think Project SEARCH and Olive Garden have done nice job with COVID protocols and safety practices.
Our biggest news is the addition of Rory “Gilmore” Mast. We binged on Gilmore Girls during the first part of COVID and Rachel named her after Rory Gilmore. Like Dora, Rory is a rescue. She is still a puppy, has a lot of energy, and she is well-loved.

We are healthy, well, safe and blessed. We hope that you and yours are, too. Our hope is in knowing that God is in control of it all. Our verse for the year has been Romans 12:12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.”
God bless you all. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year.
Love from
All the Masts