Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happiest New Year!
Last year, we took a sabbatical from our annual Christmas letter so we could focus on getting Rachel graduated and starting the transition into the world of adulting for her. As usual, it has been a busy year and we’ve had a few unexpected turns but most of them for the good. In case you could not be glued to our social media the entire year, I’ll catch you up.
- Rachel graduated from Olathe South High School on May 20, 2018 and received the same diploma as her 561 classmates. No more IEP Meetings!
- The day before graduation, we threw a big party celebrating Rachel. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of friends far and near who celebrated Rachel’s big accomplishment. She and we felt celebrated, supported and loved. Special thanks to my sister for coming early to help. She is indeed Rachel’s #preciousAuntSaudia
- I know the real reason most of you are reading this is to get an update on Rachel and her future plans. After visiting numerous programs and proclaiming numerous hashtags, we learned about a new program at Missouri State University in Springfield called BearPOWER. We visited, and Rachel interviewed and participated in their summer leadership retreat. In July she received her official letter. She accepted and will be a Bear! #weregonnaneadsomeBearWear
- The BearPOWER program lasts five semesters beginning in January 2019. Rachel will move to Springfield and live in one of the MSU dorms. Classes starts January 14. She has a lot of interests. We really think she is well-suited for the hospitality-entertainment industry. Recently, she has expressed an interest in policy advocacy. I can’t imagine why!
- The BearPOWER program has a strong emphasis on employment. Rachel will have classes and internships. Research shows that 60% of students completing postsecondary programs for students with intellectual disabilities have competitive employment within a year of program completion. Our goal for Rachel has always been for her to be employed in a job she enjoys and to live independently. We believe this is a logical and necessary step to those goals.
- We do not have plans to move Springfield.
- In September, Rachel was hired by the Olive Garden where she works as a hostess. We’ve been very impressed by the inclusive culture of OG. Great learning & earning opportunity for Rachel.
- Jonathan has been very busy with his work. Sedgwick continues to grow and we continue to be proud to be part of the Sedgwick family. He did keep his streak alive and ran a 50K in November. The day started at 12 degrees. #UltraMan thought that was awesome.
- I am transitioning to a new season of life, too. While I do some advocacy consulting & speaking, I am hoping to find some part-time work in the new year. I enjoyed working with the National Down Syndrome Congress policy team to conduct their First Advocacy Training Day in Dallas. I’ll be helping with the next one summer 2019 at the NDSC Convention in Pittsburgh. Hope to see some of you!
- We were proud to be able to watch our #OmaHogs play in the College World Series and come in as runner-up. #alwaysaHog
- We finally saw Hamilton (Chicago), and it lives up to the billing. Rachel was tickled pink to get autographs from most of the lead cast members. The Mock family shared their lovely home and family, and we enjoyed some other Chicagoland attractions.
This year, I lost one of my dearest friends. We’d been friends since meeting at the University of Arkansas Baptist Student Union some 38 years ago. Through an unexpected diagnosis and very painful illness, her faith in Jesus and His plan for her never wavered. This Christmas I have paused to truly reflect on the condition of my own heart. Have you? We wish all of you a holiday season bright with promise and filled with those you love most.

Later this week, I’ll post the back side of our Christmas letter. It is Rachel’s blog “I Really Love My Life” taken from Rachel’s PowerPoint Presentation “I Love My Life.” Published OSERS (US Dept. of Education Office of Special Education & Rehabilitation Services Down Syndrome Awareness Month Blog Series) October 12, 2018