Happy Birthday Ben and Oksana! Ben is Rachel’s first friend. I shared his sister Olivia’s valedictorian speech last week (Don’t Compromise.) She talked about Ben. As I have mentioned once or twice, Rachel and Ben met at the ripe old age of one and two weeks at Special Kids and Families Early Intervention program. At that moment an eternal friendship was destined. Since we moved to the Kansas City area seven years ago, Ben and Rachel don’t get to see each other much. Still, they have a connection. One of our week’s highlights is that we get to see Ben later this week. His student choir is going to be singing in the area. We are very excited at our house.

I think it is quite fitting that Ben and Rachel’s friend Oksana have the same birthday. Oksana is Rachel’s sweet friend who will be a Junior at Vanderbilt. Rachel is planning a college visit there for her next spring break just so she can have a sleepover in Oksana’s dorm room!
We met Oksana at our local church when Rachel started Student Choir and Oksana befriended her. The rest is history! I’ve blogged about Oksana a couple of times so today if you want to learn more about this remarkable young woman and the beautiful friendship of Oksana and Rachel, click here and read about The Sweet Sound of Inclusion! Rachel’s taking Oksana to lunch later this week and that is pretty high on the excitement list too!
Happy Birthday to two of the most beautiful people we know!