Dear Rachel,
How are you 24? Wasn’t it only yesterday that you announced your arrival with a loud scream and those precious little hands in the air? Those blue eyes had me from the start.
For many years, one of our birthday traditions for you was to gift you a kind of classic book or one that we were especially fond of, with letters from your dad and me. I don’t know where I learned about that tradition, but you still have those books from birthday number one through your 16th birthday.
Of course, the messages were slightly different each year. However, there were a few common themes. Somewhere in almost all the letters to you from me, it says you have been a hard worker. That fits again this year. You celebrated your one-year anniversary as a patient greeter at KU Hospital. You love your job, and you are part of the team. To steal one of your quotes, that makes my heart happy.
Another theme is that you are courageous. That is certainly still true. You continue to be a voice for others with Down syndrome. You were brave enough to record a testimony for lawmakers about a disrespectful test used to determine your services. That took a lot of courage, but it impacted decision makers and the lives of people you and I will never know.
A few other consistent themes are that you are a loyal friend, you can usually find joy in the journey, and you are a Jesus follower. Forget about Down syndrome, those are characteristics that would serve anyone well. You wear them well along with your beautiful smile. That smile still lights up the room.
The most consistent theme in the letters is this: In every single letter I say words that express this sentiment, “I am so glad God chose me to be your mom(my). The greatest gift and the greatest blessing in my life is to be your mom.” Truly, that makes my heart happy.
Happy birthday to my sassy, kind, sweet, persistent, Jesus following young woman. I can’t wait to see where God takes you and us in year 24.
I will always love you more. ~Mom