Extreme Friends

Welcome to my new blog site and slightly new name. I am no longer just SassySouthernGal. I am now “TheSassySoutherngGal.”  Thanks for following along.  This past weekend I went on my annual girls weekend with my college girlfriends. For the most part we met at Baptist Student Union and have sustained our friendship for some 30 years now. We’ve all had our ups and downs. Some more than others and there’s always something to talk about, good food to share, trips down memory lane and many, many shared prayer requests. Though we stay connected through social media, phone calls and the like – I always look forward to our time together.

Our baby girl turned 50 this year. She’s the final member of the 50 club. I was the first member as I am the oldest.  We decided to celebrate the final member we should do more than hike, talk and eat. This year’s adventure took us to Branson so we ventured out to the Vigilante Extreme Ziprider.  Some of you will remember and some of you will be shocked to know that about 25 years ago I was a certified Ropes Challenge Course Instructor and swung through the trees of the Arkansas 4-H Center frequently.  I love ziplines and challenge courses and how they can be used to teach teamwork. My friend Debbie kept reminding me “that was a long time ago!”  Four of our five decided to be Extreme and the fifth was our photographer.

Here’s a couple of pictures of Extreme Friends having Extreme Fun. I’m in pink.

extreme zipride arms in the air extreme zipride going down

Friends are friends for ever if the Lord’s the Lord of them. I am thankful for my eternal friends!

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  1. I think riding the zipline was less challenging than being in a group of five friends for thirty years. It is great you get together annually …and that is the real challenge…dedicating yourselves to spend one weekend out of 52 together. It is easy to phone or keep in touch with social media, but dedication to be with each other. Having to put up with old friends for 24 hours or more at once? That is the real challenge…lol.

    1. We don’t make every year but pretty close! A true friend is a treasure. I am blessed! Thanks for reading.

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