Happy 25th Birthday, Rachel!
Twenty-five years have passed too quickly. I often find myself reflecting near your birthday. I think about how you and we have been loved and embraced- even before you were born. I think about the way I prayed for you before you were born.
- I prayed for you to be healthy. We knew you had Down syndrome before you were born, and I knew there were lots of “extra” health things that might come our way.
- I prayed for you to know and love Jesus.
- I prayed for your teachers. I prayed they would want you in their classrooms. I prayed they would include you and believe in you. I believe teaching is about the highest of callings.
- I prayed you would be able to read. I know that sounds silly now, but I did not know then what I know now.
- I prayed for you to have friends and mentors. True friends. Really, I prayed you would have community.
- I prayed that you would be able to live your dreams, whatever they might be.
While I prayed for many things, these were the big ones. I also prayed that I would not fail you and that God would grant your daddy and me wisdom. Back then, I prayed God would send me at least one good mom friend who had a child with a disability. “God, if it is not too much trouble, maybe her child could have Down syndrome. Oh, I don’t mean to be too demanding God, but it would be great if they didn’t live too far away.” Today is about you, Rachel, but God sent us to Special Kids and Families and the gift of Becky and Ben and their family. They lived less than 10 minutes from our home until we moved to Kansas. Cyberspace has helped us to continue to love and support one another on this journey. I am eternally grateful for Becky, Ben, and their family.
Really, those prayers aren’t a lot different than what I would have prayed for a child who did not have Down syndrome. So fast forward to today. As you turn 25, for what do I pray?
- I pray that you will be safe.
- I pray for you to have community.
- I pray for you to live your dreams.
- I keep praying for my own wisdom in parenting an independent, young adult who just wants to live her dreams.
Again, not much different than what I would pray for any child.
When you were little, you LOVED Veggie Tales. One of your favorites was Queen Esther. To this day, you say that your favorite book of the Bible is Esther. Seems appropriate to me because there is no doubt in my mind that you and I were both chosen for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)
Rachel, you are the best thing ever. I am so glad God chose me to be your mom. Thank you for being my best teacher. Thank you for teaching others. Thank you for finding joy in the journey and teaching others to do the same. Thank you for dancing your way through life.
Rachel, most importantly, thank you for just being Rachel.
And Rachel, I will always love you more.