It is the last day of 2018. I don’t know about you, but this year has gone by at warp speed for me. Thought we could ring in the new year by taking a look at your favorite adventures of Rachel and her parents in 2018. And it is clear, you are all interested in Rachel’s adventures! Thanks for reading, supporting, and joining us on our journey. TheSassySouthernGal’s top ten blogs for 2018 are:
#10 Joy Came in the Morning – A Glimpse of God’s Grace. This is actually one of my all-time favorite blogs. It is where our journey started.

#9 28 Day Countdown to College: How are you Mom and Dad? Baby Rachel is about to go to college. She’s excited. How about mom and dad?

#8 Rachel’s Graduation Day A gazillion IEP meetings later, this was the day the Lord has made, and we rejoiced!

#7 What Will Rachel Do Next Year? Hogs & Hawks & Bears, Oh My! This time a year ago, Missouri State University wasn’t on our radar. In less than two weeks, she will start her adventures as a BEAR!
Rachel’s Missouri State Acceptance Letter

#6 A Diploma, Just Like Her Friends Need I say more?

#5 One Girl Changed Another Girl-s Life – Forever This is a guest blog by our friend and one of Rachel’s former sitters, Katie. In large part, Katie chose her career because of Rachel. Learn why and how and never underestimate the power of beautiful relationships at all ages and states of life.

#4 Should This Girl Get a Transplant We went on to pass organ transplant nondiscrimination legislation here in Kansas. We need to pass it in 50 states.

#3 It Is Finished: Rachel’s Last IEP Meeting Ever – Again, need I say more?

#2 America’s Workforce Includes Rachel
Rachel has loved her job at the Olive Garden. We are pretty fond of them and their inclusive culture, too.
“No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

And my number one blog for 2018….
Your favorite
Is It Timehto Panic Yet? I didn’t panic, and God not only opened the doors, He guided us through the doors. Stay tuned in 2019 for “Rachel Goes to College!”

To all of you, Happy 2019! It’s gonna be an adventure!